"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy 50th Post!

The little blog post counter on the Blogger homepage informs me that this shall be my 50th post.  Yay for blog dedication!  Everyone should go eat a cupcake or something in celebration.

I am, quite simply, exhausted.  Today was a mental race to the finish line in the world of homework as I paid the price for the homework evasion I've been engaged in since Thursday.  Luckily, I managed to answer the giant set of reflection questions for my Education class by reading only one chapter of the book we were supposed to read in its entirety (and using Google Books to search for things that didn't fall in that chapter).  The questions were mostly about personal experience, so they were fairly easy to answer even without doing all the reading.  After that was done, I read the chapter that I have to lead class discussion on on Wednesday; still have to plan out the actual class, but I have some ideas floating around.  I'll be glad when that's over...it seems like it's causing me an unnecessary amount of stress.  Having accomplished a fair amount of work, I took a break by watching a documentary about Royal London, and called home for a chat.

It was also in this time frame that I discover that I owe around $500 in taxes...self-employment sucks this time of year (my job contract defines me as an independent contractor, so I don't get taxes taken out the rest of the year...so they all pile up).  That was an unfortunate discovery...combined with the persistent overwhelmed-ness that is my life in grad school, I proceeded to lay on my bed tearfully for 10 minutes or so.  Then, I got up, got dressed, and got myself to the library to keep working on things.  This was slightly awkward at first, as I began to have one of my bi-weekly tearful nervous breakdowns actually IN the library, but eventually I was able to get my entire New Testament paper written...if in a rather unorthodox fashion for me.  I think it's alright...at any rate, it's not going to get much better, and it's good to have it out of the way early (it's not due until Thursday).

Eventually I returned to my apartment and ate Chilis leftovers and shortbread cookies and a cupcake.  Then, I realized that I haven't done the Wii Fit in like forever, so I made myself do step aerobics for half an hour.  And now I'm here, writing this blog post.  See where that exhaustion came from?

The good news is, I think I should be able to go to the Valentines Day Indian dinner tomorrow night, which is good, unless something crazy happens.  For once I've actually managed to get ahead...even though I still haven't done any reading for my class tomorrow.  I guess that will be the morning activity.

But right now, I'm absolutely exhausted.  I'm going to take a shower and go to bed.  Don't try and stop me.

(Sorry the 50th post wasn't more intriguing...how interesting can a day filled with homework be, really?)

1 comment:

  1. OMG I Totally almost watched Royal London. I think I went to sleeep though. How was it? Apparently there's a really awesome movie about the Queen's sister Caroline coming on. Anyway, I'm sorry about your tearful explosion. We all have those days so don't even worry about. You just eat Chilis and everything will be OK. And cudos for doing the Wii Fit!
