"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Last week of February?

It's February 20th.  When I turned my little dial calendar to say "20" today, it was a bit shocking to see how fast this month has gone by.  We're down to 8 days left in the month, people!!

This means several things.

1) Midterms are rapidly approaching, and more quickly than they appear (my New Testament midterm, for example, FEELS far away because it is in March, but in reality, it is a week from this coming Thursday).

2) The quickness with which this semester is scooting along moves me ever closer to the halfway point of my seminary career (somewhere mid-summer), giving me a tiny glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel.

3) I am suddenly aware of how much I've been slacking on my goals for this month.

I pulled up my little goal-planner thingamabob and looked at all the things that I should have been thinking about all month.  Some things have been going well - I've been doing REALLY well about eating proper portions of healthy food, and I've been consistently taking home half of restaurant meals as leftovers.  I'm actually kind of surprised that the "eat healthy" goal is the one that I've been making the best progress on, considering how not-good at it I was in the past.  I guess that once you start, it's not that hard to continue doing.

Exercising, on the other hand, has been slowly winding downhill.  I had to stop doing the Wii Fit for about a week because I was having some sort of bizarre knee pain, and then I got all overwhelmed by school stress/vocational breakdowns, etc. and still haven't gotten back in the habit of doing it yet.  Also, my weekends/days off have been really busy lately, and I've been so exhausted at the end of the day that I'd rather just sit on the computer or watching TV than exercise.

Me and God are still working things out, so that goal remains.  Still not back in the active Bible-reading habit. The "Build Self-Confidence" goal bit the dust somewhere around that Valentines Day breakdown and is just now starting to tentatively poke its head out again.  As for the study skills, they could probably be better.  But, for my Tuesday education class, I'm actually reading the first book that I've been genuinely interested in all year: Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire.  It's all radical and revolutionary and stuff.

I have nothing of grand importance to say about today.  All I did was go to church, read for class, go to my small group, and straighten my hair.  Exciting, right?

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