"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I don't really know what to say so much about today.  I woke up still feeling fairly beaten down, if more well-rested, and that feeling lasted for most of the day, with periodic reprieves resulting from chatting with friends during classtimes (no matter how depressed I am, I always end up laughing in class from time to time, whether because my teacher is being ridiculous or some classmate is making an odd comment, or because the 16th century document we're reading uses the word "popish" to describe something that is pope-like).

I did experience one small moment of peace today, and that was when I was walking back to my car after class.  The weather's gotten nice again, and it was that kind of cool weather where there's just a hint of moisture lingering in the air, and the night seems to have a certain freshness and quietness to it, with the moon shining brightly above.  It's not a long walk to the parking garage from my classroom building, but in that short walk I was taken back to nighttime walks in Lexington, Paris, and Santa Cruz, one after the other in quick succession - those times when I lingered under the stars with friends, laughing together, crying together, dreaming together, wondering together.  As I breathed in the night air, I felt a sense of continuity in my life, and felt as if there may actually be someone guiding all of this together.  I haven't felt that for a good, long time.

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