"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Post About Nothing

Today is one of those days when a brilliant writing topic evades me, because I did absolutely nothing all day.

This isn't exactly true.  In fact, I did several things...but nothing truly blog-worthy.

I might tell you about how I woke up and felt sick and skipped church, but you might get depressed by hearing of my vague ailment or judgmental of the fact that I blew off Sunday morning worship as a seminarian.

I might tell you about how I spent most of the day watching Pride and Prejudice and Lost in Austen, but you might get all wistful thinking about Mr. Darcy and then listen to nothing else that I had to say.

I might tell you about how I spent all of the time watching those movies working on my church history study guide simultaneously, but you might still be swooning about Mr. Darcy and not pay me any attention, or you might get so bored by random historical facts that you'd click away from this page, or else you might be so intrigued that you want me to elaborate on points that I have only a limited knowledge about.

I might tell you how I ate a peppy provolone slice for lunch, but you might not know what that is.

I might tell you how I went for a walk to try to feel better and less sickly, but you might tell me that was a horrible idea and what I really should have done was lay in bed and eat soup.

I might tell you about how I skyped with my parents this afternoon, but you might get bored of me telling you all the technical difficulties that ensued, and I'd probably get all frustrated with technology by telling you about them.

I might tell you how I ate a bowl of oatmeal for dinner, but you might just think that's pathetic.

I might tell  you about how I went to my small group tonight, and how we talked about Chinese folk religions, but you might want me to tell you all about what we talked about, and I'm too tired to go into all that now.

I might tell you about how I made cinnamon toast like I ate as a kid for a nighttime snack, but you might get all nostalgic and go make some yourself.

So really, I don't have anything to talk about.  Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Or do you? (in reference to the question about whether you had anything to say tonight?)No matter what the post was still pretty funny. I like the part about swooning over Mr. Darcy. That did take up a bit of my time, thinking about his irresistible moodiness. But you brought me back with sheer wittiness. Thanks for the post! And I hope you feel better.
