"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Pledge Cleaner is my new best friend.

Since the post-flood maintenance is finally definitively completed - walls patched up, shower replaced, carpet padding replaced, walls retextured and painted, drains replaced - I've finally been able to make steps toward getting my living space back in order.  Chatting with my friend on speaker phone for entertainment, I spent two hours today running a Swiffer duster over literally every surface of my apartment (minus the bedroom, which remained unaffected throughout this whole thing).  It was a dusting fiesta - not just tabletops, but books, dvds, even individual sheets of paper.  Grimy white dust from the sanding of the walls had covered the entire room.  If the US government had walked into my apartment a few years back, it would have been condemned as an anthrax scare and HazMat guys would have taken over the scene while I was questioned under a spotlight about my evil intentions.  It was that bad.

Still, even the dusting wasn't sufficient, and I continued the cleaning process by wiping down every bit of furniture with pledge cleaner (minus the sofa), polishing everything up with a dishcloth as I went.  Let me tell you...my furniture is GORGEOUS.  Seriously.  I'm not sure it's ever been this clean.  It certainly hasn't been this clean since the moment it was first delivered.  That stuff is magical.  I felt like I was channeling Monica Gellar in my cleanliness obsession, cleaning more thoroughly than I've ever cleaned before - I was even polishing my glass coasters.  It was epic.  It was fantastic.  I feel as though, until today, I have never really cleaned.  That's how amazing it was.

Now it must be remembered that I was starting with a particularly dirty apartment, so my excitement at the effects of the Pledge cleaner is probably much more exaggerated than the usual response elicited by its shiny results.  Whatever.  It was an exciting moment.

The cleaning will continue tomorrow; an impromptu pizza/movie night with friends caused the process to be put on hold, and there's still a good amount of clutter going on.  The kitchen and bathroom also need attention, and my bedroom is laying in anxious anticipation of the day when it can stop being a storage area for random decor objects and assorted kitchen appliances.  A good vacuum run is also called for.  Much remains on my quest...but I will make this apartment the cleanest that it has ever been.

I will be victorious.  Always be victorius.  All rising.

1 comment:

  1. Barkeepers friend is great for tubs and sinks to make them sparkle too! :)
