"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Have a Six Flags Day!

Today I  went to Six Flags on the coldest day of my life.

OK, perhaps not the coldest day of my entire life, but it was a COLD day for late May - 50 degrees, with a lingering soggy feeling from morning drizzle.  But, today was the elected day for my friend Nick and I would go to Six Flags, and so off we went.  There was a momentary discussion of substitution plans that was quickly ended by Nick pointing out that he had already printed off a pre-purchased ticket - something I hadn't done, because our printer is broken (and by broken, I mean out of ink).  So off we went to Six Flags.

The cold was compounded by the fact that I didn't pack winter clothes for my vacation home.  Silly me, I thought that it was almost summer; I forgot my parka.  I did pull an old Transylvania hoodie out of my closet, though, so that was helpful...even if paired with shorts.  The shorts have buttoned pockets, which were a necessity since my cell phone almost flew off The Boss last summer...

Despite the general cold and wet environment, it was actually the perfect kind of weather for a Six Flags visit because it's the kind of weather that no one wants to be outside in...which, of course, means that there was basically no one at the park.  And although there WERE massive throngs of field-tripping middle schoolers everywhere, but they were mostly entertaining and rarely annoying, and we never had to wait more than 20 minutes or so for a ride.  So yay for Six Flags in unpleasant weather!

Also, if you are about the St. Louis Six Flags, I recommend that you ride the Tony Hawk roller coaster (now called "Pandemonium"), and that you finagle things in such a way that you and one other person are riding alone in the 4-person car, sitting on the same side as one another.  The physics of the situation make it so that the car spins around CRAZILY, because all of the passenger weight is shifted to one side.  It was all kinds of awesome.

Of course, Six Flags and I also have a love-hate relationship because of the absolutely awful summer I spent serving pizza there.  Today had its fair share of reminiscent groans, and even a sighting of my evil ex-supervisor.  But, there is a certain awesomeness about walking around the park having fun and knowing that I'll never have to work there again.

All in all, it was a day well spent.  I've been absolutely EXHAUSTED since, and spent a great deal of the evening laying on the couch watching "Miss Congeniality" before hauling myself off to more important matters like laundry.  Vacation is rapidly coming to a close, and the world of reality is pressing upon me...

But now, I'm off to bed, for an early breakfast best-friend-date.  Have a Six Flags day!

1 comment:

  1. I am sad that I have a stupid summer job that stops me from having a Six Flag day with you and Nick. And, I too love the Tony Hawk ride. My favorite part is the cameras that video your reaction because I like to cheese it up the whole ride through!
