"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Monday, May 23, 2011

I Love French Food.

I realize that I never informed you all of the best meal of my whole life ever which I ate the other day.  Or, at least, the best meal I've eaten this year.  So, since my day included little of great interest, let me introduce you to the best thing I ever ate (this year):

Source: La Bonne Bouchee French Cafe and Bakery, located in Creve Coeur, Missouri

Dinner Companion: Jessica, the High School Best Friend

This meal comes to you in three courses.

Course One:  French Onion Soup (authentic French style with cheese melted all over the dish)

Course Two: Les Crepes aux Fruits de Mer et aux Epinards (Crepes with Seafood and Spinach)

Course Three: Chocolate Croissant

It was FABULOUS.  Seriously.  I would eat this meal every day if I could.  In fact, one of my life goals is to learn how to make crepes.  I attempted it once and failed spectacularly.  I mentioned to my mom recently that I might attempt the crepe-making again, and her words were: "Oh don't do that in your apartment, you won't get your deposit back."  Still, I may give it a go...it can't be as bad as the corn cake fiasco of October 2010.  I'd love to be able to cook the melty-cheese soup myself, but I don't think I have a dish big enough.  Which is too bad, because it's all kinds of tasty.  As for the pastry, I have access to several La Madeleine bakeries in Dallas, and just downloaded all these ridiculous pastry recipes from the internet that I want to give a try...including one that uses melted-down fruit roll-ups for its filling.  Not quite as classy as the products of a French patisserie, but still it intrigues me...

In summary: French food rocks.  Eat it as often as possible.


  1. LET'S GO!! Put it on the list for the next time you're in town :)
