"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Love My Mommy!!!

I've noticed there's something missing in my life (or at least, in the annals of my laptop): photos of me and my mom.  Not sure why this is true, but it's unfortunate.  Here's a picture of my mom and my sister, if that counts:

I'm sure they'll both be thrilled to discover that this photo made the blog :)  But in any case, it's Mother's Day!  And Mother's Day calls for photos of mothers and children, and I have now provided you with a picture of my mother and one of her children.  That'll have to suffice.

The lack of photo evidence of our mother/daughter relationship is strange because I DO spend a good amount of time with my mom when I'm home and not living the life of a Texas superstar.  We don't have an estranged relationship or anything.  In fact, we get along quite nicely, and she's my favorite moms of all the moms I've ever met.  No offense to anyone else, or their mom (baha); I feel like everyone's mom should be their favorite mom, and if your mom isn't your favorite mom then I feel sad for you.

My mom does lots of weird things that I'm sure she would be humiliated to discover on this blog, so I won't name them all here (Mom, I'm SURE you know what I'm talking about...the nicknames and whatnot).  I like to think I get my crazy streak from her.  Crazy isn't bad, you know.  It actually makes things much more interesting and entertaining.  But she's also wonderfully kind (even if she feels she lacks the gift of hospitality, something I understand now that I have my own apartment), always willing to talk about whatever I need to talk about, and so supportive of me.  She's amazing.

Yeah.  I pretty much love my mommy.  And I get to see her (and the rest of the family) in just a couple days, which is SUPER exciting!  All that stands between me and some time at home is a church history final, the Dalai Lama, a painting class, packing, and a 2-day, 600 mile drive.  I'm actually really looking forward to everything but the final, so most of that aren't really obstacles as much as fun facts about life happenings.

Speaking of that final, I better get back to studying...Happy Mother's Day everybody!!

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