"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sleep All Day

I quite literally slept all day.

OK, that's not true.  But, I DID take an epic 3 hour nap in the middle of the afternoon that effectively swallowed up the day, and a good deal of the parts that were not swallowed up were passed just laying about.

Actually, today looked quite a bit like my average Sunday on vacation at home: I went to church, laid around, ate lunch, internet-ed, slept for 3 hours, made dinner plans that fell through, laid around some more, played the violin plaintively for about an hour (that actually doesn't usually happen, it was an unusual occurrence), went to Steak and Shake with my sister, laid around, played (and lost) Scrabble with the family, worked for an hour, and then laid around and mocked Canadian teenage TV programming with my sister.

You can perhaps see where laying around was a great part of my day, and why adding on a 3-hour nap made it feel like I literally slept all day.

Happily, tomorrow will NOT be a day of sleeping all day, but will be a day of socializing and exotic animals.  Yeah.  Stay tuned.

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