"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Well friends, I did it again...put off writing a blog post until 1:00AM and preferring therefore to go to bed rather than write something detailed and awesome.  The more awesome posts generally take me about 1-1.5 hours to create, and I don't have that kind of time.

Also, I'm rather worn down from the sadness of the world...you know how that is?  This always happens to me around times of events of national significance; I start watching the news to follow one particular story, and get bombarded with stories of everything else that's messed up in the world.  Between stories about Harold Camping's disillusioned followers trying to pick up the pieces of their destroyed lives, videos of tornado damage in southern Missouri, and news stories about children and the elderly being shot or murdered, it makes me want to crawl into my bed and hide from the world.  What a horrible mess we live in; I kind of don't blame those Family Radio people for being excited that the end of the world was coming.  If the end of the world means redemption of humanity and eternal life in paradise, bring it on.  Life wasn't meant to be full of this much tragedy.

Sorry to go all depressing on you; just something that's been on my mind today...

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