"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Might Be a Grown-Up

I base this assertion on the fact that I woke up today at 7:15am (instead of 11:00am) and that I am planning to go to bed around 10:30pm (instead of 1:00am).  Furthermore, I'm watching Laverne and Shirley right now...somehow I feel like that gives me bonus grown-up points.

On the whole, I would call today a success.  I survived my first Greek class with only minor embarrassment (practically every answer I offered up was partially wrong, but that's to be expected on the first day of a foreign language class).  The class didn't feel interminable either; the four hours actually went by rather quickly.  I really like the professor, so that's definitely a plus.

Even better, I find that after today's class I'm WAY better at translating Greek sentences to English (yeah, we're doing that already, on day one).  While my pre-class translations were things like "Brothers know that they see a lake" (coherent, and yet stupid), tonight's assignment read more along the lines of "In the hour of glory the Lord speaks to the hearts of children" (coherent, and not stupid).  I really like being able to read full sentences in Greek on just the first day...French and German NEVER moved that fast, that I remember.

I do foresee a slight challenge in the fact that all my obligations now fall into the non-English category - Greek class/homework and French for my job.  I don't know if it's because I was tired from waking up early or because my mind was all foreign languaged-out, but it was REALLY hard for me to push through my job today.  I'm sure I'll get more used to it as time goes on.

In other news, I got barbecue for dinner with a friend, and have substantial leftovers in my refrigerator because I wasn't that hungry.  Win.

I realize that this post is probably hugely uninteresting to people who are not me, and I commend you for reading it this far.  I'll try to become more interesting in future posts...I'm planning on some cooking experimentation this summer, so at least there's that. But right now, I'm going to bed (at 10:30)...because I'm a grown-up, you know.

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