"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sleepwalking and Speedwriting.

I think that I sleepwalked last night.  I base this on the fact that when I went to bed, I was wearing one t-shirt, and when I woke up, I was wearing two.  It was weird.  To make matters worse, I accidentally slept until 1pm.  That's not cool.  I'm meeting a friend for breakfast in the morning to try and get my sleep schedule back in the realm of normalcy.

In other news, I've been ROCKING my finals prep.  Today I wrote my last paper of the semester, a 10-pager on holistic spirituality from an interfaith perspective, in four and a half hours...that's FAST.  To be fair, I did spend about 2 hours or so making a really detailed, well-organized outline beforehand.  It definitely paid off, because the actual writing process was quick, painless, and even (dare I say it) enjoyable.  Go figure.  I'm going to proofread it in the morning (standard practice in Celia-world), and then email it off to my professor.  And then, two classes will be completed for the semester!  Woot!  I'm planning to spend tomorrow filling out my New Testament study guide, study it during the day on Friday, and take the exam Friday afternoon/evening (it's a take-home).  That'll leave me free to spend Saturday, Sunday, and potentially part of Friday to study for my church history midterm, which will go down on Monday morning.  Then I'll see the Dalai Lama and go to a painting class with my life group girls, and then Tuesday I'll hit the road for a few weeks at home!!  The end is in sight!

Also, I got my Greek textbooks for my summer course in the mail today...and I'm stupidly excited about this course.  I do like me some foreign languages :)

1 comment:

  1. 1. Stress does strange things to people.
    2. Sounds like a good topic, which always makes the pages go faster. Send some of that mojo my way. Exegesis paper and Bereavement paper in the next 7 days.
    3. I wish I were a language geek like you. I start Greek on July 5. I am not excited.
