"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, April 3, 2011

3 Month Goal Check-Up

Happy April 3rd.  Can you believe it's already April??  I can't.  These three months have FLOWN by...I'm down to a month left in this semester, I have an internship set up for next year, and I'm registering for classes on Tuesday.  I'm simultaneously almost done my first year, and about to be a senior.  I like the way that sounds.

So, let's do a goal check-up, shall we?

I've actually made progress on almost all of them!

1) Rejuvenate Relationship With God  - I've started doing a daily online devotional in a pact with a friend, and even though I'm not in the habit of doing it everyday, I'm at least thinking of God non-academically.  Baby steps.
2) Get Involved in a Church - Not only have I chosen a church to go to, but I've gotten involved with a women's small group that I really like!  I've also started to go to the traditional service instead of the contemporary service, and that's been a nice change; I'm starting to get a bit burnt out on contemporary worship.
3) Create a Budget - It's made.  I've never actually checked up on if I'm living by it, but mentally I'm pretty sure that I am.  I ought to sit down and do a legitimate check of whether or not I'm keeping to the budget.  In fact, I just did a quick check, and I'm pretty well on track...my balance is a bit lower than I expected it to be at the end of March, but I also wasn't anticipating a $532 bill to the tax bureau (the joys of self-employment).
4) Make Work a Priority - I've been sticking to the work schedule that I set for myself at the beginning of the semester, and I've been doing better about making up work time that I've missed.
5) Get Fit - I've been exercising regularly (semi-regularly lately, I admit), lost roughly 10 pounds, and I've started to notice a change in my physical appearance...and so have other people!
6) Eat Healthy - My portion-sizing skills have gotten WORLD'S better.  And, I've been cooking healthy recipes too, and only eating when I'm hungry (except lately...need to get back on that train).
7) Improve Study Skills - So yes, this slacked at the beginning of the year.  But, I've been staying way more on top of things post-midterms.
8) Build Self-Confidence - In non-concrete ways, this is going well.  I've been paying more attention to my appearance, which is an automatic ego-boost, and I've been being more outgoing and friendly with people, which has also helped.
9) Read for Fun - My friend Miranda lent me a young adult fiction book called Revolution, which is about a girl who goes to Paris and finds a diary from the French Revolution.  It's somewhat dark, and sometimes I want to smack the main character, but it has a really good story going, and it's been a good way to unwind every night.  I'm hoping to stay in this habit.
10) Have Productive Hobbies - Well, I've been trying to cut back on TV and internet lately, does that count?  I say yes.
11) Explore Dallas - Thanks to Hannah's visit, I finally ventured downtown last week.  I guess on the whole, I've been getting out more since last semester, but there's still more to discover!
12) Get Involved in Community - Yeah, this one hasn't been accomplished at all...I get so caught up in schoolwork that it kind of consumes things.  I'm more involved in a church, that can count here too.
13) Be More Open - This is improving too; I've tried to loosen up a bit, and be more accepting of other people as they are, without taking their personalities/actions as an affront to my own happiness and worth...if that makes sense?  It does in my head.
14) Be More Positive - This one was going well, but definitely hasn't been being accomplished lately.
15) Cultivate Strong Relationships - I'm a bit torn about this one...friendships have been something of a struggle for me this semester, but at the same time, I think that I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I don't have to be everyone's best friend to be a worthwhile person.  It's a good realization to come to.

So yes, things seem to be going well!  I think I'll set out some goals for April tomorrow...this post got longer than I expected!!

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