"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm full, yo.

So I'm all full of burrito and it's inhibiting my ability to write a coherent and witty post.

I picked my friend Rachel up from the airport at like 8:45pm, and we immediately went to Fuzzy's Tacos where we gorged ourselves on chips and queso and our respected dinners.  It was one of those meals where you don't really realize how full you are until you stand up and then you're like "Oh...dang."  We've both just been laying around since we got back to our respective residences (I know this through the wonders of Skype chat).  Plus I'm all sleepy, so that's just compounding everything.

To quickly recap the day, I worked out, went to the library to work on homework before class, went to class, worked on homework on a bench outside the library, and then picked up Rachel and ate the aforementioned Mexican food.  Exciting, right?

So yeah, that's it for post tonight.  Have a fantastic day/evening!

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