"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Little Joys

Remaining quite burnt out on schoolwork from yesterday's library excursion, I did absolutely nothing school-related all day.  That's right.  I'm sure I'll regret this tomorrow, but there it is.  Instead, I went to church, laid around the house, took a nap, talked to my parents on skype, went to the store and bought ice cream, marshmallow peeps, and Reeses eggs, ate leftover honey mustard chicken and potatoes (quite tasty, if I do say so), and went to Bible study.  Not a bit of homework crossed my path, aside from the few pages of a textbook I read while waiting for the church service to start this morning.

Here are three other, small moments of my day that brought me joy:

1) This T-shirt, which I bought in Santa Cruz 3 years ago and which was always a bit too snug to wear comfortably, now fits perfectly.  BAM.

2) Easter-tastic hot chocolate beverage.

3) I caught the final dance scene of Slumdog Millionaire on TV after Bible study.  That scene always makes me happy.  If you haven't seen the movie, go watch it.  And, if you live in Dallas, invite me over, I haven't seen it since I saw it in theaters in Paris (yeah I'm internationally awesome), and I would like to see it again.  Unfortunately, it won't let me embed the video, but you may watch it here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRC4QrUwo9o


  1. AMEN! I hardly did any homework all weekend! I know I will regret it this week! But what a glorious weekend it was!

  2. Little joys are important. I think most movies should end with a Bollywood dance scene like Slumdog Millionaire.

