"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sleepy, Life Group, and Homework...

Well kids, I don't know what to tell you...the creativity runs dry once again.  I blame this on any combination of the following factors:

1) It's midnight, and I'm sleepy.
2) I woke up early for church this morning, so I'm extra sleepy.
3) I spent a good amount of time today writing a paper for class.
4) I spent a good deal of time staring at the computer screen procrastinating writing said paper, waiting for inspiration to strike.
5) Homework-filled days do not yield interesting blog topics.

Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of intrigue soon.  I will drop a quick note here about how fantastic my life group is (that's the women's small group I go to on Sunday nights through the church I've been attending.  It's all hip church lingo, you know)!  Now that I've been going on and off for 3 months, I finally feel like I'm starting to connect with the other women, and therefore feel much more relaxed and much more free to act like myself.  I'm super thankful for this group, and I'm glad that I've forced myself to keep going.  This is a VERY good thing...I need me some Christian community outside of theology school.  I need to talk about the Bible with people who don't purport to know everything, who don't talk in hugely theological terms, and who don't expect me to know everything.  It's a nice break.  And the other women are awesome, and I feel like we mesh well as a group.  So yay!

In the world of homework, I've written nearly seven pages of the first ten-page paper I must conquer, and I'm hoping to finish it in the morning (my professor said the due date is "by the middle of this week"...I'm hoping to turn it in Tuesday morning at the latest).  The group presentation which has been hanging over my head like a piano from a crane since January there's a mental image for you) will take place on Tuesday, and I've done all the work I can possibly do on that, except print things off.  I'm all kinds of ready for that to be over.  Then, I'll take a breather on Wednesday, and start my ten-page exegesis of 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 (and accompanying) research on Thursday.  I'm REALLY pleased with how easy this current paper has been going though...it's hard to get started, but once I'm writing it's been coming rather easily.  It gives me hope for the others.  Believe it or not, I've only written one other extended paper all semester!  Just gotta get back in the groove, I suppose.  I can't believe there's only 3 weeks of classes left in the semester!!

PS, I'm going to meditate at a Zen center for class tomorrow...check back for details, it could yield some interesting results...

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