"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Last Day of Class!!

It's true!  I've now survived an entire year's worth of seminary classes.  It still feels rather unreal...probably because I still have two papers (and the associated reading/research) and two finals (and the associated studying) standing between me and 2.5 weeks of vacation at home before my summer Greek classes start up.  I'm in the process of attempting to make up a study schedule, and it's quite a daunting task...but a good thing too, since I discovered that my 2 papers are due on THURSDAY and not Friday.  That would have been bad.  Looks like my next few days are going to be booked up...except for tomorrow afternoon, when I'm going to the Dallas Galleria (and the American Girl Store!) with my friend Miranda :)

I also just discovered that the Dalai Lama is coming to speak at SMU...probably ought to try and obtain tickets for that.  Mental note.

These things being said, I'm shutting off the computer and going to bed, in hopes of waking up BEFORE 11:30am to be able to get some work done...my snooze alarm habits have gotten progressively worse as I've gotten closer to the end of the semester...besides, I have to go to bed soon, or else I'll be tempted to stay up and watch the royal wedding coverage at 3am, and then I won't sleep at all.

So goodnight world.  See you all tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Today is my last day! I had no idea you were taking greek this summer! I will be here to so we will definitely have to get together, I took it this year so I can sympathize with you! :)
