"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Thursday in Celia's World

It's Thursday.

Today I...

-Woke up and made myself pretty
-Had a Starbucks date with my friend Rachel
-Walked through SMU's campus in glorious weather
-Held a door open for a guy coming out of the student center.  Guy seemed flabbergasted at my consideration of his door-holding needs.
-Watered the community garden without killing any of the plants
-Nearly yelled at a worker to turn the hose water back on so I could finish watering the plants, then realized that the water stopped because the hose was bent and not because said worker had turned it off.
-Walked back through SMU's campus in glorious weather, a bit more muddy than previously
-Watched TV while working on my presentation outline
-Fell asleep for an hour and a half
-Woke up again
-Ate an orange chicken frozen meal for lunch
-Watched "Friends" and kept working on the presentation
-Drove back to campus
-Learned about the French Revolution, Christianity in Latin America, Hebrews, and James
-Went to Roly Poly for dinner with my friends Erin and Miranda
-Went to a Taize worship service at a fancy schmancy cathedral-esque church
-Watched TV and skyped with my friend Brandi while working on my presentation outline
-Ate a bowl of raisin granola cereal
-Debated getting a Netflix subscription
-Wrote this blog post
-Took a shower
-Went to bed.

The end.

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