"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Goal Setting

I made buttermilk biscuits from scratch today.

Let's set some goals, shall we?

I admit, I'm rather hesitant to set more goals...not because I haven't accomplished the preexisting goals of yester-month, but because I'm moving back into that stressed-out mode that makes me think I have time for nothing but schoolwork, even though I frequently avoid homework.  It's a weird phenomenon, but a familiar one.  BUT, I think that by setting out some self-care oriented goals, I'll be able to avoid falling completely into the pits of despair that come with having to write 40+ pages (and doing the associated research).  Avoiding pits of despair is always preferable.

So, here are some goals for this month.  This time around, I'm narrowing the broad goals down into more concrete things that still fall under the broader categories.  I don't want goal-setting to add MORE stress.  That would be counterproductive, no?

Goal #1: Go to church/life group every Sunday. (Relationship with God)
Goal #2: Wii Fit every other day  (Get Fit)
Goal #3: Read a chapter of a non-school related book before bed every night.  (Read for Fun)
Goal #4: Update budget with actual spending numbers, then track spending for the month (Create a Budget)
Goal #5: Don't procrastinate just because "you don't feel like working"; take deliberate, designated breaks to avoid getting burnt out (Improve Study Skills)

So there you have it.  That's the plan for the rest of the month...and, believe it or not, for the rest of the semester!!  I had a weird realization this morning that I'll be getting ready to graduate (again)...I'm feeling pretty okay about that, to be honest.  As hard as it was to leave Transy last year, I'm counting down the days until I'm out of here with a Master's degree in hand, and can just go have a job instead of studying late into the night all the time.  Too bad no one told me that senioritis doesn't go away just because you go to graduate school...

But enough about that.  Onward with the April goals!!

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