"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Arts and Crafts: Fail.

So today my sister and I decided to make some T-Shirts.

The Harry Potter midnight premiere is tomorrow night, and Hannah took it upon herself to make "Homemade Dark Mark" shirts (a Very Potter Musical reference) for the two of us and our friend Jessica to wear to the premiere.  It's going to be all nerd-tastic.

The problems arose when Hannah and I got just a tad too ambitious in our T-Shirt creation efforts, and wanted to put a quote on the back.  We were going to just get some iron-on letters, but we would have had to buy something like nine packs in order to have enough "N"s.  So, instead, we got some big iron-on sheets and printed off the words, intending to cut out each letter individually.  This was already a STELLAR idea (sarcasm), and it got even better when we realized how tedious it was to cut out each letter.  But things were still going well...until Hannah realized about an hour into cutting out letters that she had neglected to tell me to peel the backing off first, making it impossible to iron on the letters without peeling each letter apart individually...which is impossible to do after they've been cut out.

Happily, out of the three shirts we're making, the victorious one is the one that we're making for my friend Jessica, so at least our failure has only affected ourselves.  The new plan is to go buy more iron-on stuff tomorrow and change our technique to be more creator-friendly.  Hopefully we'll have more success...gotta look all Harry Potter-tastic for the movie premiere tomorrow night!

And now, for your enjoyment, some evidence of our struggle...

Contemplating our efforts

The face of defeat

Defeat soon gave way to hysteria
Tune in tomorrow to see the finished product...since I'll be at the movies until like 3am, don't expect a super-long post, but I'll definitely try to throw a photo or two up here (if I remember in my delerium).  I hope you're doing equally nerdy things in the name of Harry Potter!

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