"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Day of Not Much

My day consisted almost entirely of 3 things:

1) Sleeping
2) Eating
3) Laying around.

I'd call that a pretty vacation-tastic day.

To be fair, there was a portion of the day where I helped my dad gather up a bunch of leaves from my grandma's backyard into garbage bags.  I wasn't completely lazy, and I did my granddaughter duties.  But the fact remains that I slept A LOT and ate A LOT and watched The Bachelorette for a great amount of time since Obama came on and gave an address about the economic state in the middle of the episode (thus prolonging it).  That address also made me fear for my entire economic future, including (but not limited to) the ability to pay back student loans within my lifetime, and made me strongly consider moving to Canada.  But then I just finished watching The Bachelorette and ate some pudding instead.

Now I'm off to read The Great Gatsby and go to bed.  I was actually inspired to write a more heartfelt and poignant post tonight, but I'm all sneezy and took a Benadryl not too long ago so I feel the drowsiness coming on.  That will have to wait until later, I suppose...

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