"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Friday, October 21, 2011


Tonight I was witness to a murder.  Happily, it was not a real one.

Actually, tonight I went to a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre show with a couple of friends...and it was so fun!  I actually had a lot more fun than I expected to, given my general dislike of actors who interact with audience members.  The show was put on by The Murder Mystery Company, and, through the wonders of Groupon, cost just $20 for a three-course meal and interactive mystery (the regular cost is $60).  Even better, tonight's show somehow got upgraded from the usual venue to Eddie Deen's Ranch, a big Western-themed event venue that was a lot of fun.  The night had a masquerade theme, so we all donned our masks and headed off to solve a murder!

The meal was tasty - salad and AWESOME rolls for starters, then beef roast, mashed potatoes, and veggies, and a fudge/walnut pie to finish things out.  I kind of  got a kick out of the juxtaposition of the Western decor and menu with the otherwise "Billionaires Club Masquerade" theme of the event...but I guess that's Texas for you.  

The show went down in three acts, in between which we guests all milled about and talked to the "suspects," trying to figure out who killed the poor general by poisoned cigar.  There were probably about 15 suspects or so in total, and I really thought that any one of them could have done it.  Although, in the end, the killer was someone that our table didn't even suspect at all...but then again, as much as I love reading mystery novels as a long-time Agatha Christie fan (and Boxcar Children before that), I have NEVER been able to properly figure out the ending to a mystery (that I can recall), so I don't suppose I should have expected tonight to be any different.  It was a really fun night though, and a great way to start the weekend!

After the show, we wandered around the room and took a couple silly pictures with the decor, like this gem of the three of us thrown in jail...

That's probably how we'll all feel tomorrow when we're working on our Doctrine of God papers (due this Wednesday)...glad to have had a fun night tonight!

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