B is for Breakfast, which I ate while reading my morning devotional.
C is for Chuy's, where I went to dinner with a friend.
D is for Deposit, which made my bank account richer than it was yesterday.
E is for Eating lunch outside in beautiful weather.
F is for Friends, which I watched two episodes of today (I recently bought Season 7 on DVD. It's exciting.)
G is for Gorgeous 80 degree weather.
H is for Horn, which I might have honked at a reckless driver.
I is for "I can't believe it's almost October!", which I can't.
J is for "Just Do It!" attitude toward writing an intimidating paper assignment.
K is for Kissing that paper goodbye before midnight...at least until I have to present it on Wednesday.
L is for Library, where I spent most of the day.
M is for Meeting, which I had with my Lay Teaching Committee for my church internship this evening
N is for Needing to go shopping for various things, but not having time to go.
O is for Owl City, which I listened to on the drive back from the Committee meeting.
P is for Preceptorial Paper, which I successfully wrote, revised, and submitted in one day, as planned.
Q is for Quiet conversations about theological complexities and proper citation form in the library.
R is for Relaxing, which I wish I could do more of in my life lately.
S is for Scarlet Tanager, whose album I downloaded from iTunes just now.
T is for Traffic, which I navigated on the way to the Committee meeting
U is for Unusually small attendance at the Committee meeting...5 of the 8 members were absent.
V is for Very positive feedback from my mentor pastor at the Committee meeting.
W is for Writer's block, which I hit several times in composing my paper, but eventually overcame.
X is for Xeroxed copies of a report I drew up for the church with a small typo in the header. Drat. It only bothers me, no one else seems to mind..
Y is for "Yummy" leftovers from Chuy's (I labelled my takeout box with a pen).
Z is for Zzzzs, which will complete my day :)

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