"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cow Statues

My friend Miranda and I ventured downtown today in search of a cattle stampede, in statue form.

The location was Pioneer Park, nestled in among the buildings, and bursting with giant metal cows.  And bulls, presumably.  As much as I refer to all cattle as "cows", I have lately been informed that the designation of "cow" implies "female", but that does not change the fact that my suburban-grown self will continue to refer to both genders as cows.  Deal with it.

The park naturally provided good opportunities for silly photo poses, including the following:

After our Pioneer Park adventures, we took the train over a couple stops to the West End, where we had barbecue for dinner; not the best barbecue I've ever had, but it was tasty.  All in all, it was a good evening :)

As for that "paper writing fiesta" of which I spoke in yesterday's post...didn't really happen.  I spent the whole day trying to fight through just one of the three readings I need to respond to in my paper - even though it was only 16 pages long, it was so dense that I couldn't wrap my head around it.  I wound up taking a nap to firstly attempt to rejuvenate my brain, and secondly to avoid having to work (hence a 20-minute planned nap turned into an hour and a half).  And then came the evening cow statue and barbecue adventure.  Looks like I'll have a lot more work ahead of me this weekend...oh well.

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