"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's the weekend!!

Hooray!  The weekend is here!  Today went really well, all things considered...despite horrific Texas drivers marring my day on ever commute of the day (I honked my horn at someone before 9:00am.  That says something.  And I don't often honk my horn).  On this topic, I delighted the Facebook community with my assertion that "If Augustin needed any supporting evidence for his theory that humanity is inherently evil, he should have gone driving through Dallas at rush hour."  Class was fine, work was great - I got everything set for my first confirmation class lesson on Sunday, which I REALLY enjoyed preparing...it kind of made me more confident in my current career choice.  I also was bestowed with a bag of sweet potatoes because, like I've said before, food just shows up in this church.  In the afternoon, I caught up on Project Runway, and spent the night watching Pirates of the Caribbean and making a late night In-N-Out cheeseburger run with my boyfriend.  It was a good night, and nicely relaxing before tomorrow's paper-writing fiesta (which actually is less intimidating now that I've learned that my paper must be emailed to the professor by Tuesday at 4pm, NOT by Monday as I had mistakenly written in my planner).

Anyway, I know that was rambley, and I know that I'm slipping back into the "Here's what I did today" motif, but it's late and the only reason I'm not in bed is because I don't want today to end because I don't want to have to wake up and do homework.  I also need to go clothes shopping - I've noticed that every morning lately, regardless of having all my clothes clean, I haven't been able to find anything to wear.  I think I could use a couple more tops...might hit up Old Navy in the near future.

But anyway (again), I hope you dear readers have a wonderful weekend, wherever you may be.  May the road rise up to meet you.

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