"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Friday, September 30, 2011

"Me" Night

It's finally the weekend.  Well, it's as much of a weekend as I really get anymore...working for a church, my days off are Saturday and Monday, so the "weekend" kind of gets split up by work and at least one day overcome entirely by homework.  But, it is Friday night, and I took advantage of it for some much needed "me" time.

I therefore spent the evening engaging in the following activities:

-Taking a 90 minute nap

-Depositing a paycheck.  Always good.

-Briefly browsing Old Navy, only to discover that I wasn't in a clothes-shopping mood (which, for me, means feeling rich, feeling energetic, and feeling attractive, none of which were happening today).

-Shopping at the new Wal-Mart by my house...which included buying class materials for Sunday and (impulsively) the Just Dance 2 Wii game that I've been wanting to buy for the last 9+ months (yes, people do have babies in the same amount of time that it takes me to justify spending $40 on a video game).

-Watching The Swan Princess.

-Painting my toenails pink.

-Eating a Falafel salad (which is something I made up because the pita was falling apart, so I just ripped up the sandwich and dumped it on a plate.  Bam.  Falafel salad).

-Playing guitar.

-Watching Friends DVD commentary (on "The Holiday Armadillo" episode).

-Eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

-Burning CDs for my confirmation kids so they can learn the books of the Bible in hip musical fashion (I found this clip this morning and have been singing it to myself all night, so I feel like it'll be an effective learning strategy for them):

-Watching this week's Modern Family episode on DVR.  I'm pretty sure the line about Cam's diets "crashing and burning into a pile of Nutella" was based on my life.

...and that's really about it.  No homework, no cleaning, and the work tasks I did were enjoyable so they weren't any hardship.  I really needed tonight for my mental/emotional health.  Hoping for a productive day tomorrow morning, then plans with friends in the late afternoon/evening!

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