"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting Back to Normal

Today was a long day, but it was the first normal day I've had in a week, and the first day that I haven't cried in 6 days.  Lord knows I needed today.

That being said, today was a hard day of work.  Started things off at work (naturally), attending a senior Bible study, editing demographic info, and packing food into bags/boxes for distribution at the senior center adjacent to the church.  That last part was particularly chaotic...one of those "too many cooks in the kitchen" phenomenons.  And, the seniors who were receiving food all kept coming inside early and getting in the way of those of us packing the food.  I was glad when 3:00 came around, and I could slip out for the day.  I came back to the apartment to take a brief break before heading to campus for Old Testament class and a paper-writing marathon in the library.  Food isn't allowed in the library, but I ate an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the mezzanine, because 1) I'm 23 years old and perfectly capable of eating a sandwich without making a mess, 2) I was working through dinner and couldn't afford to stop, and 3) nobody's ever on the mezzanine anyway because it's restricted to graduate students and the library employees don't go walking through there.  So yeah, I stuck it to the man and ate me a sandwich.  My vaguely rebellious streak returns.

Happily, the paper writing went very well, and it only took me about 3 hours to pull it together and email it off to my mentor pastor for review before we meet to discuss it next week.  This let me take a little bit of a breather in the evening, happily.  And that was today...mostly busy, mostly working, but the first normal day I've had for a week, and a day that was desperately needed for emotional healing.

Also, this song was randomly in my head today, which is weird because I don't even know it that well...but watching it now is cheering me up considerably, so let's tack it onto the end of an otherwise mundane post, shall we?

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