"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Class Marathon Day #1: Defeated

So my Wii Fit age was 22 today.  Apparently 3 days of Wii Fit is all I really need to be totally awesome.  Actually, I think I was just unusually good at today's balance test.  If the Wii Fit has taught me anything, it has shown me that I have horrible balance.  Again, acknowledging how often I trip when there's nothing to trip over, this isn't super surprising.

Today was the first of my Tuesday class-marathon days that will be the standard for this semester.  I have three classes, spanning from 3:00-9:00pm, with only 2 ten-minute breaks in between.  All in all, it was actually less grueling than I thought it would be.  When I was at Transy, I would be out of the room going from thing to thing for upwards of eight hours.  I think I can handle the six hours of straight class.  The only problem was getting hungry towards the end, since I have class all the way through anyone's definition of "dinner time."  I brought a granola bar, but I was still pretty hungry toward the end.  But I survived, and made a burger wrap out of the "Hungry Girl" cookbook as soon as I got home (happily, that recipe takes all of 5 minutes to create).

Speaking of classes, they're going well so far this semester.  I've managed to stay on top of readings fairly well, and follow the lectures more easily.  As far as schedule is concerned, I like having my two three-hour (once a week) classes on Monday and Tuesday...because even though it's Tuesday night, I feel like the week is practically over.  Tomorrow just contains the spiritually fluffy support group that is "Spiritual Formation" class - unfortunately meeting at 8am - and going to the gym with friends afterwards.  Hopefully I won't fall over from sleepiness...we all know how bad my balance is.

In other life news, I have discovered that that pole I backed my car into is completely new, and I backed into it my first time back in the parking garage since December.  So I feel significantly less stupid now...even if I still have a giant dent in my car.

1 comment:

  1. A pole is such a random thing to add to a parking lot...Jerks!
