"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Beginnings

I'm back home on the range, snuggled into my Dallas apartment.  I'm almost all the way unpacked.  Major redecorating has been going on.  There may be pictures one day.  I've yet to tackle the giant purple suitcase that contains all of my clothes.  Unpacking decorative stuff is fun.  Hanging up clothes is work.  I'll deal with that tomorrow.

After dinner/ice cream outings with assorted friends/classmates, I've decided that I'm happy to be back in Texas.  This is actually quite a big thing...I was really dreading doing the whole leaving-home thing again.  But Dallas, surprisingly, is starting to have some home-like qualities to it.  My apartment is becoming progressively more Celia-fied with the addition of several decorative items brought from home, and people were excited to see me and I was excited to see them.  And, starting tomorrow, I'll have the structure of classes and readings back in my life, which is good in its own way.  I'll also have to hit the ground running with CCFOF work...I kind of took the last few days off, gotta make up those hours!

This is when the real test of working toward goal achieving starts.  Most of the goals on my list from the first post are things that are contingent upon me being in Dallas, and therefore I couldn't really do much about them until I came back down for the new semester.  Well...I'm here.  Let's see if my walk can match my talk.  Or something of the sort.

In the meantime, I'm aiming to set myself a standard midnight bedtime to encourage earlier and more productive mornings.  I figure adults don't stay up doing nonsense until 2am, and since I'm working on being better at being an adult, earlier bedtimes seem incumbent upon me.  And, since it's 11:45 right now, I better be getting to bed!

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