"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sleepy Ramblings

It seems that, throughout the day, I always have good topics for blog posts running about in my head, and when it actually comes time to write one (this has become the last thing I do every night as a means of greater introspection), I can never think of anything super great to write about.  Tonight, I'm extra tired, having just returned from a friend's birthday party...which, really, wasn't all that tiring now that I think about it.  Who knows.  I'm probably just worn out from actually DOING things instead of just laying around all day like I did for the last 5 weeks.

Which reminds me, I need to fill up the coffee pot tonight in preparation for church in the morning.  It will be nice to just press a button and have coffee happen rather than have to prep the machine in the fog of early morning exhaustion.

One of my goals, as you perhaps recall, is to rejuvenate my relationship with God this year.  An integral part of that is getting involved with a church, and getting some Christian community outside the realm of academia.  Let's face it, as a seminary student, if you were more involved in ministry and had a more active prayer life, etc BEFORE you  started seminary than you do now...there's something wrong with that.  After much debate, I've chosen Lover's Lane UMC as my primary choice of church commitment.  I've been there once before, and it has the benefit of being the church that a couple of my friends attend as well.  So, I'm going to NOT make excuses and NOT be lazy and NOT be intimidated, but instead make myself go there every week indefinitely, unless, after several weeks, I'm not so keen on it.  But I have high hopes.  I'll get back to you.

I was going to tell you fabulous stories about the Wii Fit today, but I'm too tired.  In the world of exercise, today was a walk-around-the-lake day, that involved a lengthy pause to do class reading outside in the lovely January Dallas weather (equivalent to early November in the midwest).  In the world of healthy eating, I've discovered that buying healthier food products made my grocery bill spike by about $20...although, that could also be attributed to the fact that I was having to restock my entire fridge along with weekly shopping.  For lunch I made my first creation from the "Hungry Girl" cookbook of 200 recipes under 200 calories: the "Big Bad Burger Wrap," which was really easy, and actually a tasty and satisfying meal.  I started a food/exercise log on my computer to keep myself more accountable.  But then I went to the aforementioned party tonight and ate King cake and cookie cake and cream puffs and chocolate and peanut butter bars and the like...so maybe I'll just delete today's row and start tomorrow...

I'm serious, I'm exhausted.  Going to bed.  Goodnight all!

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