"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Marathon Eating and Homemade Pinatas

Today was another hodge-podge day of unusual occurrences.

First of all, this was a marathon-eating day such as I have never experienced.  My mom and I went for breafast at La Bonne Bouche, a French bakery/cafe that always makes me have throwbacks to Paris the moment I walk through it's doors.  As usual, I had the eggs benedict (heaven on a plate) and coffee.  Something about the smell of their coffee is precisely the smell of the cappuccino at Parisian cafes.  After smelling the coffee and vaguely smiling for a few moments with Parisian reverie, I looked up and saw my mom eying me quizzically.  You know how some smells and tastes just instantly take you back to a place or time?  This was one of those moments.

Needless to say, I was stuffed after breakfast.  Which is why, naturally, I went to Mimi's Cafe for lunch with Jessica, the high school best friend.  To be fair, we were actually out running several different errands, and went and had lunch in the middle of them all.  Still being full from lunch, I opted for the crab fritters, a small and cheap dish of crab and artichoke and spinach magicalness.  And so I entered the afternoon feeling just as full as I had during the morning.

Later in the afternoon I ate a tootsie roll and felt like I was going to die.  Unfortunately, I couldn't keel over from food consumption, because the family was going to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen as a goodbye dinner for Hannah and I before we bounce back to school in a couple days.  Pressured by stressful ordering circumstances (one of those we're-all-hungry-and-ready-to-order-but-you-aren't-so-you-can-just-order-last-and-be-ready-then moments), I ordered a tostada pizza like I usually do, and needless to say took large quantities home.

To sum things up, my life = celebratory eating.  It's a good thing I didn't choose "Eat Healthy" as one of my five goals for January.

Incidentally, looking back at the intense goal-planning journal, I'm actually doing quite well for myself in terms of accomplishing things.  Although the big goals remain unachieved (it's only been a couple weeks), I've completed almost all of the mini-goals I set for myself!  Still have half of the month to go...let's see how far I can go!

The other event of note of the day was crafting a homemade pinata.  Jessica, my aforementioned BFF (juvenile abbreviation acceptable since our friendship dates to the year 2000) is the director of the Parent's Night Out program at the preschool where she teaches, and had her first event tonight: a trip around the world!!!  The whole concept was adorable; I was wishing I was a kid so I could go and do everything she had planned.  Anyway, I spent much of the afternoon helping her run errands to get ready for the night.  This is when we discovered that pinatas, though something intended to be viciously destroyed by children, are ridiculously expensive.  Like $20 for a tiny thing that wouldn't even hold a lot of candy.  The big fun pinatas are $40.  Jessica was dismayed, as the main attraction for "Mexico" was to be a pinata.  Enthusiastically, I said "Let's just MAKE a pinata!" - a concept that Jessica happily agreed to, and that I progressively came to regret, wondering if my overly optimistic confidence in me and Jessica's craft skills would lead to the fall of the Mexican Empire (at least, the preschool version).  Armed with wrapping paper, scotch tape, and string, we actually managed to succeed in packaging 20 little candy bags into a homemade pinata that kind of resembled an abstract internal organ.  Still, we were pretty happy with the result:

We should totally go into the pinata-making business.

My day concluded, surprisingly, by watching the second half of the Miss America pageant with the family...not because we'd planned to, but because it happened to be on TV.  During the talent portion (where too many of the contestants mistakenly thought they were the best singer on earth), fun facts about the contestant popped up on the screen.  One of the girls (I'm pretty sure it was Miss Arizona) apparently saved a child from drowning and delivered two litters of puppies.  Does anyone else find that funny?  It's like quintessential pageant-esque perfection...saving children and puppies.  I'm surprised that girl didn't win.  Also, the most common type of commercial during the pageant was for weight loss programs.  Coincidence?  I think not.  And since I watched the parade of slim pageant girls after my day of marathon eating and destructible-candy-container crafting, it's probably effective marketing.

The girl that ended up winning was, I believe, Miss Nebraska, and looked like just the sweetest girl that ever did run through the cornfields.  So congratulations Miss Nebraska.  May you be an effective goodwill ambassador of our fine nation.  And may you, too, strive to save drowning children and deliver litters of puppies into the world.

That's it for now.  Until tomorrow!

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