"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Friday, June 17, 2011

"Can I just have the one Mahi, because I'm not that hungry?"

I made Mahi Mahi for dinner.

The recipe I had called for flounder or sole fillets, but oddly enough the store didn't seem to sell these very generic-sounding fish (at least not in the frozen variety), but had Mahi Mahi in abundance.  Since my recipe was simply for "Oven Fried Fish Fillets", I figured that fish was fish and went for the Mahi Mahi, along with a package of Pacific Cod to stretch one recipe into several meals.

Happily, I was very pleased with the finished result...

Here's something that is true about me:  I LOVE fish.  I love seafood in general, really.  Yet I very rarely cook my own seafood.  I will probably make this recipe a lot in the future, though, because it was super easy - just coating a piece of fish with low-fat mayonnaise, dredging it in a bread crumb-parsley-paprika mixture, and baking it for 12 minutes.  There, now you can go make it too.  It's also a good recipe because it mainly uses stock ingredients and you can make it in individual servings...finding such recipes are huge victories for me, a single woman living on a budget.  Tonight I went ahead and baked the whole package (two fillets), but I'm saving the other Mahi for later.  (House Bunny reference, anyone?)

Besides my cooking adventures (which were really not all that adventurous), I had a fantastically lazy day.  I survived my 8:30am Greek I final with success and was back to my apartment by 10:00 - an exciting accomplishment, since I'm generally in class until 12:30 every day.  Since I'm starting Greek II on Monday (and therefore still have much homework over the weekend), finishing the first term is rather anticlimactic.  Still, in the name of post-finals celebration, I named today my vacation day, and spent it making hummus, napping for 3 hours, doing some laundry, watching A Goofy MovieThe Secret Garden, and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and just generally de-stressing.  The only work I did all day was the paid kind, and that mostly just consisted of responding to emails from people looking for a church to attend in France.  Yay for mini-vacations!

It's kind of surreal that I'm halfway through the summer term...it's one of those phenomenons where the days pass slowly but the weeks pass quickly.  Only three more weeks until the real vacation starts!

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