"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Goodbye, Weekend...

So the weekend draws again to a close.  And this week is going to be BUSY.  In addition to the usual Greek homework/tests/etc., I have a friend coming into town on Thursday to stay with me for four days for a mutual friend's wedding on Friday.  And I have plans for Wednesday evening, so really that leaves me Monday and Tuesday to do a great deal of things, included (but not limited to) cleaning the apartment, going grocery shopping, working ahead on Greek homework as much as possible, do laundry...I have a whole list of stuff, but it's across the apartment from me and I'm really really tired and don't feel like retrieving it, especially when doing so would merely be to prove to you that I have a lot to do.  I'll just trust you to believe me.

I'll leave you for this trailer for "Martian Child", which we watched at my Bible study tonight (we're doing this thing where we watch movies and discuss them.  It's fun).  It was all heartwarming and fantastic.


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