"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sigh of Relief

Week One of Summer Greek (including Exam #1) has been successfully survived.  Only 5 more to go...

Although I have QUITE the enormous pile of homework for the weekend (and a fair amount of non-homework related things to do), I couldn't really bring myself to do any of it, and therefore took a much-needed break today.  No declension paradigms, no bizarre accenting rules - just me, The Bachelorette, sweet and sour chicken, and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (the most recent Narnia movie, based off my favorite book of the series).  All good things.  I also spent a good amount of time talking on the phone with my mom/the college best friend, and I used the Wii Fit for the first time in 46 days, AND went for a quick walk around the lake.  I also solved the mystery of the "broken" food processor and got it to work, meaning that a great deal of homemade hummus will shortly enter my life.

Unfortunately the good times never last, and tomorrow I will jump back on the Greek train...and it's not one of those cutesy sightseeing trains, it's a TGV.  I'll also have to do some grocery shopping since my stock of freezer-food is beginning to run low.  As previously mentioned, homemade hummus will be on the agenda, and I really want to make a grape pie...my grandpa made one once and I really liked it (I was just about the only one in the family who did), and I've been wanting to recreate it.  But, I'm fairly certain he just made up the recipe, and the only one I've been able to find that sounds like his involves something called elderflower syrup, and since I've never heard of that I don't want to put forth the effort to find it...besides, I think it's a British thing.  In any case, I feel like cooking real food, and not just eating freezer things...and I feel like cooking interesting things.  So stay tuned...we'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. You're making me terribly a-feared of what my July and August will look like... I start Greek on July 5 and finish sometime around Labor Day. AAAAH!
    Also, I support the choice to make real food. It's good for your soul to cook, and good for your tummy too.
