"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Yeah.  My example today should never be followed by anyone, ever.  I quite literally spent almost the entire afternoon/evening sitting on my couch surfing the internet (do people even say that anymore?) and watching TV. And that's about it.

I think this is primarily a result of three things:

1) Post-exam study burnout.  When you spend 15 hours studying in one day, it is very hard to become motivated to study the next day.  Unfortunately, the intensive nature of the course makes us have no real breathers after exams; we just plunge right into the next lesson, in the same class period.

2) Exhaustion.  Last night I went to bed around 11:15 (45 minutes later than usual), didn't fall asleep until almost 2:00, and then got up at 7:15, left my apartment at 7:45, drove through McDonalds for breakfast (don't judge me, I was out of cereal), got to campus at 8:00, studied for half an hour, took an exam, then had 2.5 more hours of class.  So I was tired.  BUT, I didn't want to take a nap because I couldn't justify spending time sleeping when I had so much stuff to do...but since I was tired anyway, I still ended up just doing nothing.

3) Overconfidence in the stuff we covered in class today, leading me to assume that homework wouldn't be difficult.  I didn't get a chance to look over Lesson 15 (the Greek perfect tense, if you were wondering) as I was supposed to, but when we covered it in class today it made perfect sense and I was translating sentences mostly correctly off the cuff with ease.  So I figured that since the homework was going to be easy, why start it before 9:00pm?  Yeah.  Not a good idea.  But I did get done what I think we'll get through in class tomorrow, and I'll have the weekend to catch up.

But today, I was a slacker.  Big time.

On the bright side, I was eventually somewhat productive in the realm of domesticity.  I did laundry (finally), hung up two new pieces of wall decor (finally), and cooked a real meal with real ingredients that didn't come out of the freezer (pineapple meatloaf and confetti couscous).  I also played guitar until I wore blisters into the fingers of my left hand (I haven't played in a while).  I also spied on a cluster of attractive men who appeared to be moving into a neighboring apartment, but it turned out that the attractive men were just friends of the lovely young couple who seems to be the real residents.  Drat.

To some things up, I was a mess of procrastination today.  Even as I've been writing this post I've been floating over to Facebook and staring blankly at the screen for no reason...I need a fresh start, and a weekend.  Happily, both come tomorrow, along with some relaxation with friends that I am REALLY looking forward to.  But more on that later.  May you be more productive than me as you carry on with your day.

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