"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, June 19, 2011

One of those days...

Today was not the best day of my life.

Have you ever had one of those days that just feels off?  Today was one of those days for me.  It started off with waking up from a weird dream that involved narrowly escaping death by earthquake (but still being able to hear the screams of those who didn't escape it), and then narrowly escaping death by drowning as a friend drove her car into a flooded river, and we had to swim out the sunroof to get out of the car.  It was one of those dreams that you wake up from and the emotions of it stick with you...even though you know it wasn't real.  Not a good way to start the day.

Being depressed and uneasy therefore from the very start of the day, I elected not to go to church, but instead to listen to a sermon podcast on my laptop.  I just didn't feel like going to church alone (like always).  So I had "church" on my couch while eating a bowl of cereal.  A little while later I decided to make chocolate chip pancakes...this was another spectacular failure, as the end result was more like chocolate/batter globs than actual pancakes.  At least they still tasted good.  In any case, I did manage to set the smoke alarm off three times in the course of the pancake failure.  After eating one of the globs and watching a bit of TV, I decided to go back to bed and sleep for an hour, and then start the day over.

Almost two hours later, I woke up, and didn't feel any more awesome than I did before the sleep scheme.  Essentially, I spent the entire day watching TV, feeling depressed and sad and just generally "off."  I didn't get anything done until I finally started my my Greek homework around 6:30.  Paid work didn't happen, unfortunately.  I also spent a fair part of the day being melancholy and mopey about not being with my Dad on Father's Day.  Essentially, my bad day was a result of loneliness and cabin fever.

It was just sort of a bad day.  Ready for tomorrow.

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