"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Friday, June 24, 2011

Guess What...

Yeah.  I went back to the store and bought the red zebra dress today.  Because it was too good to pass up.

Looking at it again today, and not juxtaposed with all the black and white dresses I was trying on, it seems more wedding-appropriate.  In the small dressing room, it seemed a lot more vibrant and loud.  But now I have two dresses, so it may become the dress I wear to the weddings...thoughts and opinions on which dress may be left in the comments :)

In other news, I spent the evening eating gumbo and watching The Notebook with friends - an evening well-spent, even if that's the saddest movie ever made, ever.  As for the weekend, I'm hoping to get ahead on some Greek translations and clean the whole apartment, and still be able to get together with friends a bit.  We'll see how much of that gets accomplished...hopefully all!

Leave me comments about the dress!  :)

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