"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Thursday, August 25, 2011

...life is hard today.

Today was one of those quintessential days that starts out alright, but slowly deteriorates into an absolutely exhausting, difficult day all around.  I think Thursdays just might kill me this semester...I have seven hours of class in total, comprising two 2.5 hr seminars and one 1.5 hour class.  The layout of these classes is such that I'm on campus from 9am-6pm...with a couple breaks built in, which is good.  But still, that's a long day.

Mostly, I'm just exhausted.  This grown-up "wake up at 7am" lifestyle is a big change from last year's "nowhere to be until 3pm" schedule.  And, as I became more tired, the day became more difficult.

For example, here are some of the little things that made life hard today:

-Morning rain shower that lasted just long enough for me to walk from my apartment to my car

-Driving the pedestrian-laden obstacle course that is SMU's weekday campus

-Left my computer charger at home by mistake, necessitating a midday apartment run

-Apartment carpet wet from today's carpet cleaning (which is overall a good thing, but is still inconvenient)

-Professor's Argentinian accent and all-over-the-place teaching style, while charming and entertaining on Tuesday, is waaaaaay difficult to follow at the end of a 9-hr day

-Lost Hispanic man asking me for directions outside my apartment in Spanish when all I really want to do is go inside...and then responding to my "No Espanol" assertion by talking faster in Spanish and waving more fervently at the building

-Excessively long line at Chipotle (my too-tired-to-cook-and-sick-of-chicken-anyway solution), made excessively longer by a woman insisting on ordering a Cheese Quesadilla, even though such item is nowhere to be found on the menu, and made more uncomfortable by athletic girl standing unusually close behind me as we stood in line forever

-Apartment parking lot overtaken by attendees of the function at the clubhouse down the street

From this point on, I spent the night watching TV.  Thankfully, I'm caught up on homework for the week, so nothing is pressing to be done for tomorrow morning.  But still...this year is going to require a lot of planning, a lot of working ahead, and a LOT of intentional self-care.  And probably earlier bedtimes.

On a side note, is it bad that I'm looking forward to Saturday because I'll get to just work on homework all day?  I wonder what this says about this year...

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