"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, August 7, 2011

That Was Horrifying.

So I did something absolutely horrifying tonight...I sent a text message concerning a certain person to that same person by mistake...

That was worded poorly.  Imagine receiving a text message that has your name in it that was clearly not intended for you, and you'll get the idea.

Even more horrifying, this particular situation included a guy that I'm currently dating.


Luckily, the wayward text didn't include some deep dark secret or something about another guy or anything like that.  Actually, I was just texting my friend and personal dating guru Ashley to tell her that I was "pretty nervous" about seeing this guy again (primarily because I haven't seen him for a month, along with lesser, more complex reasons).  Really, I was texting her so she would tell me that everything would be fine and that I'm a wonderful person and that i'm nervous about nothing, etc.

Too bad I sent it to the guy himself.


I was so embarrassed.  And horrified.  But now, I'm actually really glad for my mistake...because the guy in question was really, really sweet about it.  I've found lately that I tend to hold back in communication, and in a way this forced me into communication that I think was necessary.  Even better, the nervousness about seeing him has now given way to excitement.  So that's good :)

Even so, I hope I'll always remember to check the "Recipient" box twice before sending a text message from now on...

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