"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Work, Class, Study. Such Is My Life.

Today was just like yesterday, but it involved work and class in addition to the marathon library sessions.  And a chinese buffet for lunch, which is always good.  Highlights included tropical shrimp and a seafood biscuit.  I'd go back to that restaurant just to eat a plate of those two items.

As far as work is concerned, it continues to go well.  Today I went with Edwin, the associate pastor, and his wife to help at a food pantry down the street - packing food into boxes, stocking shelves, etc.  Edwin took some pictures for the church, which is good for you blog-readers because it allows for illustration...

Class was kind of a struggle to get through - I was tired from work and becoming more and more overwhelmed with the amount of homework awaiting me at the library post-class, and these factors made my professor's Argentinian accent more difficult to understand and my classmate's irrelevant comments more difficult to put up with.  The class is mostly first-year students, and they haven't been "broken" yet, as I say...meaning that they are still naively unaware of their naivete and still trying to sound super smart by making connections that don't need to be made.  I'm also fairly certain that Hermione Granger's upper-middle-aged American counterpart is in my class.  But anyway, I don't mean to rant...I'm sure they're all wonderful people, and I'm probably just more annoyed with them than usual because I'm tired and stressed by the time I arrive in class.

Anywho, I headed to the library directly after class and finished all the reading for my systematic theology class tomorrow, but I haven't written up the half-page response yet.  I'm worried for tomorrow because I'm going to have to write A LOT for my Thursday classes, including a reflection essay for my internship that I haven't started yet.  Here's hoping that tomorrow is a day that I work well under pressure instead of becoming paralyzed in my studies...otherwise, I could be looking at an all-nighter in the second week of the semester.  And that definitely doesn't bode well for the rest of the year.

All this being said, I did sincerely enjoy the food pantry and the chinese lunch with my work colleagues, and even sitting in the library reading was nice (for awhile) after a day of running from one thing to the next.  Now I just need to make it through tomorrow, and the homework avalanche will be stalled enough for me to catch my breath briefly before diving into next week's assignments!

1 comment:

  1. Is it just me or does the homework load seem a lot heavier this year, I am glad your internship is going well! :)
