"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Today was the launch of a new children's fellowship ministry that I designed for the church where I'm completing my internship...and it worked!!!  I don't know if people (aside from my mother) fully understand how nervous I was about this.  I can design new projects all day, but implementing them totally intimidates me.  As was to be expected, there are some kinks that need to be worked out, but all in all I was really pleased with how well it went!  It's really cool to see a program that I designed come to life, and to see the kids enjoying it, and the adults appreciating it...and, this is the first big thing I've done at work that I completely came up with (as opposed to just doing things that I'm told to do).

Even though it went well for the most part, I was EXHAUSTED when I left work.  It's been a long time since I've corralled a large group of children, and it wore me out!  I therefore spent the afternoon on the couch watching mindless television and going out for celebratory Smores Hot Chocolate with a friend.  I skipped Bible Study because I was just too tired to go, and instead spent the night watching The Big Bang Theory reruns and painting glass jars into Christmas-y luminaries.  There's something very therapeutic about painting at the end of a long day...I ought to do more of it.  The crafting phase may be here to stay.  I'll post a picture of the luminaries once they're done - they're still in the process of drying right now.  It's not a complicated project by any means, but it's fun :)

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