"The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


After 7 cumulative hours in the library today, my presentation for tomorrow is finished, marking the end of major assignments until December (yay!).  My PowerPoint is all kinds of adorable...children's ministry presentations lend themselves well to bright colors and polka dots and pictures of adorable children jumping up and down.  For interested parties, I'm presenting on the Workshop Rotation Model of children's Christian education, which basically claims a thesis of declaring that Sunday School shouldn't be boring.  Google it.  It makes me want to be a kid in these Sunday School classes...but then, I guess that working in educational ministry is the next best thing!   Hooray for having an intended career path!

In other homework related news, I did the wrong reading (and wrote a response sheet on that incorrect reading) for my systematic theology class this week, and only found out half an hour before class.  That was exciting...those systematics readings are no small task, it takes about 3 hours to complete all the reading...that wasn't really going to fit into half an hour.  I read about half a page of one of the proper readings, and managed to write a substandard response sheet on it...I think they're mainly for completion anyway, so it's all good.

So it was an intense day of work, but I actually managed to finish at the reasonable hour of 10:30pm, walking out the doors to the dulcet tones of the intercom blaring "Bridwell Library will close in 30 minutes..."  

Looking forward to tomorrow night...no homework to do! :)

1 comment:

  1. You should email me your power point, I kind of want to see it :D miss you
